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Storm Water Monitoring

Network Environmental Solutions (NES) - Since 1988 NES has maintained long-standing, successful partnerships with major regulatory agencies as well as clients of all sizes. Whether you represent a privately owned business, government agency, or are in need of highly specialized support, our team of experts work together across our divisions and verticals to provide customer-focused consulting and education solutions for even the most complex EH&S needs.

NES administers the CTA’s storm water consulting programs, including one of the largest storm water compliance groups in the state. Our programs are designed to help trucking companies comply with the California Industrial General Permit. We have assisted members with building programs from the ground up, as well as bringing existing programs into compliance. Let our team of experts help your company avoid costly regulatory enforcement and potential third-party lawsuits. Visit the CTA’s storm water web page today for more information. Our team can also be reached at

Benefits include:

Simplified Templates and Forms - Members are provided with the documents necessary for implementing a cost effective Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program.

Document Review - NES reviews documents to verify accuracy and completeness, in addition to drafting an Annual Report packet and Ad Hoc Reports that are submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board.

50% Reduction in Storm Water Sample Collection - Facilities participating in CTACG will only be required to collect two (2) samples per compliance year instead of four (4). CTASWP facilities will be required to collect four(4) samples per compliance year. Members are provided sampling kits, guidance documents for sample collection, pre-paid shipping to/from lab and detailed reports of analytical results by NES.

Presentation: Storm Water Permitting

Stormwater Presentation Webpage

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Training - The CTACG and CTASWP provides members with semi-annual training classes. Webinar training now on demand 24/7. Classes are designed to highlight the IGP requirements and how to implement them.

Site Visits - Members of the CTACG and CTSWP receive an annual site visit by NES to assist with adherence to the IGP. NES, as the CTACG Group Leader is required to conduct annual site evaluations of all CTACG member facilities. These site visits are conducted by NES trained staff and geared towards preparing facilities for formal regulatory inspections by the Water Board.

Storm Water Permit Support and Document Review - The CTACG and CTASWP coordinate with each facility to identify any necessary corrections or clarifications prior to submitting documents to the appropriate Water Boards.

Referral Program - CTA members facilities receive a 10% discount for one year of enrollment to any of the two storm water programs by referring another CTA member facility (not currently enrolled).

For more information contact Network Environmental Solutions (NES) at or 916-353-2360.