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2024 Annual Membership Conference Educational Program

Power Up: Solutions for Zero-Emission Charging and Fueling

Friday January 19, 2024, 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Omni La Costa Resort, Carlsbad

Looking for zero-emission charging and fueling solutions but unsure where to look? Please join us for this expert panel regarding solutions to depot charging, shared charging, and hydrogen fueling. This panel is a must for California fleets!



Laura Renger – Executive Director – California Electric Transportation Coalition
Laura Renger – Executive Director – California Electric Transportation Coalition


Laura Renger is the Executive Director of the California Electric Transportation Coalition (CalETC). CalETC supports and advocates for the transition to a zero-emission transportation future to spur economic growth, fuel diversity and energy independence, contribute to clean air, and combat climate change. CalETC is a non-profit association committed to the successful introduction and large-scale deployment of all forms of electric transportation. The CalETC Board of Directors includes representatives from: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Pacific Gas and Electric, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, San Diego Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, Southern California Public Power Authority, and the Northern California Power Agency. In addition to electric utilities, the CalETC membership includes major automakers, manufacturers of zero-emission trucks and buses, electric vehicle charging providers, autonomous electric vehicle fleet operators, and other industry leaders supporting transportation electrification.


Alex Pischalnikov – Director on the Safety & Investment team - MN8 Energy
Alex Pischalnikov – Director on the Safety & Investment team - MN8 Energy
Matt Miyasato, Vice President Strategic Growth & Government Affairs, FirstElement Fuel
Matt Miyasato, Vice President Strategic Growth & Government Affairs, FirstElement Fuel
Hannon Rasool - Director of the Fuels and Transportation Division - California Energy Commission
Hannon Rasool - Director of the Fuels and Transportation Division - California Energy Commission
Tesi Bravo – Senior Director, Clean Fuels & Infastructure - CalSTART
Tesi Bravo – Senior Director, Clean Fuels & Infastructure - CalSTART

Alex Pischalnikov is a Director on the Strategy & Investment team at MN8 Energy. He has 14 years’ of energy and transportation industry experience as a consultant, investor, and corporate strategist. As a consultant, he has supported Automotive OEMs, fleet operators, utilities, industrial manufacturers, policy makers and investors globally on key strategic initiatives. His focus at MN8 is on new market entry, business building, and M&A across emerging asset classes including commercial EV charging and Hydrogen. Alex previously held leadership positions at Arthur D. Little, PA Consulting, and Southern California Edison. He holds degrees from the University of Illinois and UCLA.

Dr. Matt Miyasato is the Vice President of Strategic Growth and Government Affairs for FirstElement Fuel, the largest retail hydrogen station provider in the world. In this role, Dr. Miyasato is helping to implement the aggressive state hydrogen and fuel cell policies as well as expand FirstElement Fuel’s presence into other regions. Prior to joining FirstElement Fuel, Dr. Miyasato served as the Chief Technologist at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the largest local air district in the United States. In that capacity, Dr. Miyasato led the research, development, demonstration and deployment program and initiated many large programs for early hydrogen refueling and zero emission vehicles. He also led the Incentives Programs, which enabled the turnover of thousands of older, dirty vehicles annually.

Dr. Miyasato earned his Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. from UC Irvine in Mechanical Engineering. He also previously worked at Southern California Edison, UC Irvine, and General Electric.


Hannon Rasool is the director of the Fuels and Transportation Division at the California Energy Commission. The Energy Commission leads the state in zero-emission vehicle infrastructure deployment for electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. It makes key investments in infrastructure for passenger cars, trucks, and buses, and invests in manufacturing, workforce development, and fuel production.
The Fuels and Transportation Division is comprised of over 80 multi-disciplinary staff members focused on grant funding, policy, and modeling and analysis. The division has invested over $1 billion to decarbonize the transportation industry, with a strong focus on equity investments. The most recent Clean Transportation Program Investment Plan Update includes $2.9 billion in investments in the coming years.
Rasool, who joined the Energy Commission in July 2020, has more than 13 years of experience in the energy industry, including the regulated utility space and government. He has an extensive background in regulatory affairs and electric vehicle infrastructure. His work history includes clean transportation, renewable energy, net metering, energy storage, and distributed energy technologies.

Tesi Bravo is the Deputy Director of Clean Transportation Infrastructure at CALSTART, and Project Lead for EnergIIZE. Before CALSTART, she consulted with multinational corporations to plan and deploy ZEV infrastructure. Over time this work of bridging fleet needs, project design, and practical application combined with her own commitment of becoming a “resource” for innovation. Tesi has personally shadowed, worked, and consulted on a multitude of ZEV infrastructure projects across the U.S. and has seen first-hand how continuous learning in an innovatively diverse and developing landscape can inform the future of policy, funding, and infrastructure deployment.