Highway Policy Committee
Committee members review the tax and fee structure of city, county, state and federal government with respect to motor carriers and truck operations. Committee members review size, weight and permitting regulations of all levels of government and consider the efficiency and productivity impacts on the trucking industry. Committee members also examine government regulations that impact truck operations in matters other than safety and environment, such as truck routing, customs, trade agreements and requirements on cross-border operations. The Committee recommends policy positions in all these matters.
Committee members are expected to learn and be capable of evaluating the impact of taxation, size, and weight, regulations and trade on the industry and their businesses.
Committee Leadership
Chair: Lisa Krause, Ananian Trucking
Vice Chair: Rachel Crusenberry, JSG Trucking Co.
CTA Staff: Hayden Tallman, Program Assistant
If you are a member and would like to get active and join the Highway Policy Committee, contact Hayden Tallman, CTA Program Assistant.